AO Foundation International

AO Foundation International



Schools and Sustainable Villages

for all Children

Orphaned by Natural Disaster




We are finally beginning to manifest AO Foundation International. We are building the website and mounting a team to make this a reality. Once we receive our non-profit certification, we’ll begin obtaining donations from philanthropists around the globe. Currently, Arcturian Gate donates 10% of its revenues from MP3 downloads to children of Haiti, orphaned by the hurricane. As we grow, we will be a one-stop resource for many of the GlobalGiving charities – particularly campaigns with initiatives for orphaned children of natural disasters. This is our first step toward something quite wonderful! Never underestimate the power of music!

Our Gratitude and Commitment Always,


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Illustration from Richard Gannaway’s new book, “Drops and Sparks”

Illustration from Richard Gannaway’s new book, “Drops and Sparks”

image 6.1 "Drops and Sparks"

Flower of Life grid and Metatron's Cube nested with a Mandelbrot


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a post from: Aomusic

“Drops and Sparks” by Richard Gannaway – book review

“Drops and Sparks” by Richard Gannaway – book review

Richard Gannaway's second book, "Drops and Sparks"

review by Michael Diamond

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a post from: Aomusic